August is here, and we’re loving the sunshine! We have a ton of fun events planned for this month. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram and turn on post notifications to find out about events and specials! Maintenance Tip Keep your apartment cool with the AC unit in your living room. 65 degrees is […]

silent montage of stock video
Eugene, OR
It’s Finally Summer!
We hope you’re all enjoying the sun! July is one of our favorite months. If you’re still in the building, make sure to stop by the desk and say hi! Special Highlight If you are leaving for the summer, lock both your bedroom and front doors. It’s never a bad idea to be extra safe! […]
Cruise into June
It’s finally June! We’re sad to see all of the seniors leave, but we wish you the best on your journey! Congratulations to everyone for finishing the spring term. Special Highlight Stop by the front desk to talk about any specials we’re offering. If you’re not sure about your living arrangements next year, renew with us […]
Say Hello to May
We hope the term is going well for everyone. Don’t forget to utilize your AC units with the warmer weather! Maintenance Tip Please make sure to take all recycling down to the trash room if it will not fit down the chute. If you leave it by the doors to the trash chutes, it can […]
Outdoor Fun in Eugene, OR
From trails, parks, and other outdoor attractions, Eugene is always ready for you to enjoy the great outdoors in style. In fact, there are so many places that are perfect for families and college students to have some fun that you might need some help. Planning a day out can be tough, that’s why we […]
Spring into April!
Welcome back from spring break! We hope you have a great start to your spring term, and we’re looking forward to all of the fun events ahead! Special Highlight Now that it’s getting warmer out, don’t forget that all apartments have centralized AC. Stay cool this spring! Reminders and Updates Make sure your bicycle is […]
Happy March, Everyone!
The winter term is wrapping up, and we hope everyone enjoyed these past few months. Make sure to stop by the front desk and discuss your renewal options if you haven’t already! Special Highlight Make sure to always include your first and last names as well as your unit number on all of your packages. […]
Happy February!
Winter term is in full swing, and we hope all is going well for you. We have some fun events planned this month, so make sure to keep an eye on our social media for announcements. It’s not too late to renew your lease, so stop by the front desk for more information on how […]
Happy New Year!
Welcome back! We hope you all had a wonderful winter break, and we’re excited for all of the January events we have planned for you! Maintenance Tip Please make sure that you are bringing large cardboard boxes to the dumpster in the parking garage so that our trash chutes do not clog. Reminders and Updates […]
It’s Finally December!
Fall term is almost over, and we hope everyone enjoyed it while it lasted! We have some fun events planned for this month to celebrate the holidays and cheer you on during finals week. Make sure to follow us on social media for event details. Special Highlight When leaving for winter break, make sure to […]